Directory Structure

Common project

The directory structure of a common component library that based on dumi is roughly as follows:

docsComponent library document directory
index.mdDocumentation Home (If it does not exist, it will fallback to
guideComponent library document other routing (Signal)
srcSource code directory
ButtonSingle component
index.tsxSingle component
index.lessComponent style
index.mdComponent documentation
index.tsComponent library entry file
.umirc.tsdumi configuration file (Can also be config/config.ts)
.fatherrc.tsfather-build configuration file, used for component library packaging

If it is a pure document site without component source code, just ignore the src directory above.

Note that only the directory structure is explained here.

If you want to initialize a dumi project, it is recommended to directly use the scaffolding of @umijs/create-dumi-lib or @umijs/create-dumi-app to create it.

lerna project

In most cases, we will gather the documentation of all lerna sub-packages in the same documentation site.

The directory structure is usually like this:

docsPublic documents
index.mdDocumentation Home (If it does not exist, it will fallback to
guideComponent library document other routing (Signal)
aSubpackage a
srcSource directory of subpackage a
ButtonSingle component
index.tsxSource code
index.lessComponent style
index.mdComponent documentation
index.tsComponent library entry file
bSubpackage b
srcSource directory of subpackage b
TableSingle component
index.tsxSource code
index.lessComponent style
index.mdComponent documentation
index.tsComponent library entry file
.umirc.tsdumi configuration file (Can also be config/config.ts)
.fatherrc.tsfather-build configuration file, used for component library packaging

By default, dumi will search for the Markdown documents of all sub-packages and generate routes based on the path packages/[package name]/src.

There is currently no scaffolding for the lerna project. You can check ahooks project as a reference.

Conventional routing

As shown in the figure below, dumi's conventional routing rules are very simple:

Give a few examples to facilitate understanding:

Disk path/modedoc modesite mode
/path/to/src/ group: none
- page routing: /
- navigate: none
- group: none
- page routing: /
/path/to/src/ group: none
- page routing: /hello
- navigate: /hello
- group: /hello
- page routing: /hello
/path/to/src/hello/ group: /hello
- page routing: /hello
- navigate: /hello
- group: /hello
- page routing: /hello
/path/to/src/hello/ group: /hello
- page routing: /hello/world
- navigate: /hello
- group: /hello
- page routing: /hello/world
/path/to/src/hello/world/ group: /hello/world
- page routing: /hello/world/dumi
- navigate: /hello
- group: /hello/world
- page routing: /hello/world/dumi

It should be noted that the routes generated by files with the same disk path under multiple base paths will conflict with each other.

Which means that only one of docs/ and src/ will be recognized in the default configuration.

Customize navigation, grouping and titles

If you want to control the generation of navigation/grouping/titles, you can control it by writing FrontMatter at the top of the Markdown file:

title: Custom page name
path: /Custom navigation route
title: Custom navigation name
order: Control the navigation order, the smaller the number, the higher the order, the default is to sort by path length and dictionary order
path: /Custom group routing, note that group routing = navigation routing + yourself
title: Custom group name
order: Control the grouping order, the smaller the number, the higher the order, the default is to sort by path length and dictionary order
<!-- Other Markdown content -->

In site mode, we can also incrementally customize the navigation and left menu through configuration items.

Please refer to Configuration Item-navs and Configuration Item-menus.

Write component demo

dumi provides two ways to write demos to deal with different scenarios.

Code block

If our demo is very lightweight, it is recommended to write code blocks directly, such as:

import React from 'react';
export default () => <h1>Hello dumi!</h1>;

The code blocks of jsx and tsx will be parsed as React components by dumi, and the above code blocks will be rendered as:

Hello dumi!

Writing code in the markdown is yet not so smooth and easy as in tsx due to the absence of type suggestion, and thus we recommend using the TS in Markdown Visual Studio extension.

Using component in demo

dumi has a very important principle: developers should use components like users.

How to explain? If we are developing a library called hello-dumi, and we are wrting a demo for Button component in it, the following are examples of the correct way and errors:

// Correct
import { Button } from 'hello-dumi';
// Error, user does not know how to get Button component
import Button from './index.tsx';
import Button from '@/Button/index.tsx';

It means that the demos we write can not only be used to debug components and write documents, but can also be copied directly to the project by users.

You may have question, how it works before the source code was released as an npm package? Do not worry, dumi will create an alias for us between library NPM package and library source code, it also works for all sub-packages in lerna project.

Render as source code

If we want a block of jsx/tsx code to be rendered as source code, we can use the pure modifier to tell dumi:

```jsx | pure
// I will not be rendered as a React component

Also, we can use the preview modifier with Configuration Item-resolve.passivePreview to render a part of jsx/tsx codeblocks as React components, not all of them. This approach is used to avoid to add many pure modifiers to most of jsx/tsx codeblocks.

```jsx | preview
// I will be rendered as a React component
// I will be rendered as a React component by default
// I will not be rendered as React component in the passive preview mode

External demo

If our demo is very complicated and may even have many external files, then it is recommended to use an external demo:

<code src="/path/to/complex-demo.tsx"></code>

Like the code block demo, the above code will also be rendered as a react component.

And the source code of the external demo and other dependent source codes can be viewed by users, like this:

Control demo rendering

dumi provides some FrontMatter properties to meet different demo rendering requirements, just configure it at the top of the source code:

* [Configuration item name]: [value]

For the external demo, these FrontMatter attributes can be written in the source code, but also on the attributes of the code tag:

<code src="/path/to/demo" ConfigurationItem="value"></code>

dumi currently supports the following demo control capabilities.

Capture the fixed element

Set transform to true to position the internal position: fixed; element relative to the Demo wrapper:

It won't fly out

* transform: true
import React from 'react';
export default () => <h1 style={{ position: 'fixed', top: 0, left: 0 }}>It won't fly out</h1>;

Modify the background color

Through the background configuration item, you can modify its background color, gradient and even add a background image.

Dumi will treat it as a CSS property value. For example, configure background to '#f6f7f9':

* background: '#f6f7f9'
import React from 'react';
export default () => null;

No padding required

Configure compact to true, all padding will be removed:

It will welt
* compact: true
import React from 'react';
export default () => 'It will welt';

Title and introduction

Configure the title and introduction of the demo through title and desc:

I am the title

I’m a profile, I can use Markdown to write

* title: I am the title
* desc: I’m a profile, I can use `Markdown` to write
import React from 'react';
export default () => null;

Embed the document directly

Configure inline to true, the wrapper will not be displayed, and the demo will be embedded directly in the document:

* inline: true
import React from 'react';
export default () => 'It will be directly embedded';

Like this:

It will be directly embedded

Debug demo

Set debug to true, the demo will only be displayed in the development environment, and there will be a special mark:

I only show in the development environment
* debug: true
import React from 'react';
export default () => 'I only show in the development environment';

iframe mode

Setting iframe to true will use iframe to render the demo, which can be completely isolated from the document.

It is usually used for layout components. In this case, compact The configuration defaults to true:

* iframe: true // Set to a numeric value to control the height of the iframe
import React from 'react';
export default () => (
<h2 style={{ boxShadow: '0 2px 15px rgba(0,0,0,0.1)', padding: '5px 20px' }}>iframe mode</h2>

Use built-in components

dumi provides a series of built-in components as a supplement to Markdown syntax.

In addition to the code we have used above, it also supports these:


Use Alert to create an alert box, type can be warning, info, success, error, and the default is info.

<Alert type="info">
Note: only HTML can be written internally for now
Note: only HTML can be written internally for now


Use Badge to create a label:

#### Badge test <Badge>Hello</Badge>

Badge test Hello


dumi has extended the HTML default embed tag to embed the content of another Markdown document in a Markdown document:

<!-- Introduce the full content of Markdown files -->
<embed src="/path/to/"></embed>
<!-- Introduce the Markdown file content of the specified line according to the line number -->
<embed src="/path/to/"></embed>
<!-- Introduce part of the Markdown file content based on the line number -->
<embed src="/path/to/"></embed>
<!-- Introduce part of the Markdown file content based on the regular expression -->
<embed src="/path/to/^[^\r\n]+/"></embed>

We can also use the theme API provided by dumi to replicate and add built-in components. Visit Theme-Theme Development to learn more.